Volume: 16 Issue: 1, 1/25/24

Year: 2024

Istanbul Aydin University Journal of Social Sciences aims to publish the authentic scientific articles of researchers in accordance with the publication principles in order to globalize with the guidance of science, to reach to the society it is included, and to lead their changing and improving requisitions. Istanbul Aydin University Journal of Social Sciences is the publication body of Istanbul Aydin University. Istanbul Aydin University Journal of Social Sciences only accepts the articles belonging to social sciences field. It is a periodical publication containing authentic scientific articles in Turkish and English languages. Istanbul Aydin University Journal of Social Sciences is a peer-reviewed journal which is published since 2009.
Istanbul Aydin University Journal of Social Sciences (IAUD), having social sciences as a basis, accepts and publishes the articles submitted within the framework of journalism and media studies, visual communication design, public relations, cinema, political science, communication studies, social psychology, sociology, linguistics, communication sociology, communication systems, communication psychology, communication history, interpersonal communication, mass communication, intercultural communication, political communication and new communication technologies, applied communication and related fields of social sciences.

Istanbul Aydin University Journal of Social Sciences is a peer-reviewed scientific journal which is electronically published as quarterly. Articles with original theoretical and/or experimental study and various scientific research methods are accepted. Editor Board of Istanbul Aydin University Journal of Social Sciences is authorized to accept or deny the articles with the evaluations of national and international experts.

The Istanbul Aydın University Journal of Social Sciences (IAUJ) publishes scientific works in the fields of applied communication, communication sciences, media studies, new media, digital culture, advertising, public relations, educational sciences, distance education, visual communication design, radio, television, cinema, sociology, and related social sciences.

The Istanbul Aydın University Journal of Social Sciences is a refereed journal published four times a year. Original theoretical and/or experimental studies and articles with instructional explanations related to fixed reference values are accepted.

The editorial board of the Istanbul Aydın University Journal of Social Sciences is authorized to accept or reject articles with the evaluation of international experts.


The language used in the articles published in the journal is Turkish and English.
If there is a supporting institution for the study, it should be specified in the text.
The articles submitted should not exceed a maximum of 12,000 words, including references and attachments.
Articles should be prepared according to the APA reference system (APA 7.0). Please ensure that the references given in the text are included in the bibliography.
The maximum similarity rate set by the editorial board for our journal is 15%. Filtering options in the similarity detection program are set as follows: -Excluding bibliography -Excluding quotes -Excluding text portions with less than 5 words of overlap -Other filtering options in the program menu are not included in the reporting.


Page Layout:

The entire text area should be 170 mm x 240 mm, leaving a margin of 3.5 cm at the top, 2.5 cm at the bottom, 2.5 cm on the left, and 2 cm on the right.

Font Type:

The Times New Roman font should be used. The Turkish "Abstract" and English "Abstract" sections should be in 12-point font, the main text should be in 12-point font, and the references section should also be in 12-point font. The text, Turkish-English abstract, and references should be aligned both ways and written in single line spacing with a one-line space between paragraphs.


The article should be organized with main and subheadings.

Main Heading:

It should be in 14-point bold, uppercase letters using the Times New Roman font in Microsoft Word format. After the title, the author's name, abbreviations, ORCID number, and email addresses should be written with a two-line space, with the author's name in lowercase and the surname in uppercase, in 12-point font.


It should not exceed 300 words, the "Abstract" should be bold and in 12-point font, and the abstract text should be in 12-point Times New Roman font, aligned both ways and written as a single paragraph in Microsoft Word format. Keywords should be in italics, bold, and 12-point font. At least three and at most five keywords relevant to the article should be written with the initial letters capitalized and the others in lowercase.


The subheadings, all in uppercase letters, should be written in 12-point bold font without numbering, according to the content of the article (INTRODUCTION, CONCEPTUAL FRAMEWORK, LITERATURE REVIEW, RESEARCH METHODOLOGY, FINDINGS, CONCLUSION, etc.).

Main Text:

Subheadings should be written in 12-point bold uppercase letters and the text should be in 12-point Times New Roman font. Articles should be written in a single column, aligned both ways, with single spacing between paragraphs. There should be no gap between paragraphs in the main text, and the first subheading of each section should start after leaving a blank line following the keywords.

Length of the Article:

The length of the article, including figures and tables, should not exceed 30 pages.

Tables, Figures, Graphics, and Pictures:

Tables, figures, graphics, and images used in the text can be used in the text by indicating the "source" if they are not originally created by the author(s). Tables, figures, graphics, and pictures should be placed in the text to fit and their titles should be written in 12-point font. Table and graph numbers should be written before the table, and their titles should be written after the table. The numbers and titles of figures, graphics, and pictures should be written after them (figure, graph, picture). The words used in the titles of tables, figures, graphics, and pictures should be created with the initial letters capitalized and the others in lowercase.


The title should be bold, 12-point font, uppercase letters, and the text should be in 12-point Times New Roman font in Microsoft Word format.

In scientific articles submitted to Istanbul Aydın University Journal of Social Sciences, guidelines related to Scientific Research and Publication Ethics of Higher Education Institutions, recommendations of ICMJE (International Committee of Medical Journal Editors), and international standards for Editors and Authors by COPE (Committee on Publication Ethics) should be considered. Plagiarism, falsification or manipulation of data, duplicate publication, and inclusion of individuals who did not contribute to the research among the authors are unacceptable practices within ethical rules. In case of any ethical misconduct associated with these or similar practices, necessary legal actions will be taken.

a) Plagiarism: Presenting the original ideas, methods, data, or works of others as one's own without proper citation, in violation of scientific rules, is considered plagiarism. To avoid plagiarism, authors must cite properly according to scientific rules and pay attention to referencing all scientific papers included in their research.

b) Data Falsification: Using non-existent or altered data in scientific research is considered data falsification. Authors must collect their data ethically, analyze it without subjecting it to changes that would affect validity and reliability during the process.

c) Distortion: Altering records or data obtained from research, presenting unused devices or materials as if they were used, and shaping or changing research results in line with the interests of supporting individuals and organizations fall under distortion. Authors should be honest, objective, and transparent in the information they provide about the research process, avoiding violations of ethical rules.

d) Duplicate Publication: Presenting the same publication as separate publications without referencing previously made publications is considered duplicate publication. The responsibility associated with the publication of articles sent for evaluation, whether they have been previously published elsewhere or are in the evaluation process, rests entirely with the authors. Authors should avoid duplication and strive to submit original and novel research.

e) Fragmented Publication: Breaking down the results of a study into parts and publishing them inappropriately in multiple publications that disrupt the integrity of the study is considered fragmented publication. Authors should consider the integrity of the research and avoid sections that would affect the results.

f) Authorship: Including individuals who have not contributed to the research as authors or excluding those who have contributed is considered unfair authorship. All authors should contribute adequately to the planning, design, data collection, analysis, evaluation, preparation for publication, and finalization stages of the research.

Ethics Committee Approval:

For the research listed below, "Ethics Committee Approval" is required. The author of the article must obtain "Ethics Committee Approval" approved by the institution where they are employed. Research requiring Ethics Committee approval includes:

All kinds of research conducted with qualitative or quantitative approaches that require data collection from participants using survey, interview, focus group study, observation, experiment, or interview techniques,
Experimental or other scientific use of humans and animals (including materials/data),
Clinical research conducted on humans,
Research conducted on animals,
Retrospective studies in accordance with the Personal Data Protection Law.
In case presentations, stating that the "Informed Consent Form" has been obtained,
Obtaining permission from owners for the use of scales, surveys, photographs belonging to others, and stating this,
Compliance with copyright regulations for ideas and works of art used should be indicated in the article.
In these articles, "Ethics Committee Approval" must be explicitly stated in the article. Articles should include a statement confirming adherence to Research and Publication Ethics.

There is no charge for the journal. In addition, all accepted articles are published free of charge.

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